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SEPTEMBER 14, 2024:

Ride for cancer research

Take a look at the images that arrive from all around the world and capture the spirit of The NWC 9

The big sale of older NWC kit continues

there is still product from previous editions available and it cones at special prices and in special bundles. 

Listen to "Frantic Ride"

this years playlist is full of energy and perfect when you scroll throug hthe images

No more HPV cancer

The NWC is more than cycling: HPV cancer research and its support is instrumental. 

Since its start, The NWC gave almost €300,000 to research at the 

  • Institut Gustave Roussy 

  • German Cancer Research Center.

Let's achieve together €120,000 for HPV Cancer Research this year!

The new project BIO HPV

At Gustave Roussy we are supporting the new project Bio HPV: use vaccination to reduce the risk of a precancer receditiv by 50% for HPV type cancers.

Watch the our short video with Gustave Roussy 

Research is key

The last 10 years showed tremendous improvements in prevention and treatments for HPV cancer.

Research requires massive resources.

The NWC is proud to contribute to these efforts and to have financed a clinical trial.

The NWC partners are precious!

Whether local or global our partners contribute significantly to maling The NWC work.

NWC9 images
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