Nicola Werner
Nicola passed away on February 23rd 2016, but she left us neither empty-handed nor without heart.
Born 1961 in Hamburg and growing up in Schleswig-Holstein, Nicola began painting with a passion as a schoolgirl.
She lived in Kiel, Bonn, Heidelberg, Philadelphia, and Paris.
Her production boomed especially after her move to Paris in 2003, and right up until her final breath.
She was diagnosed in May 2015 with a stage 4 HPV caused cancer and received treatment at the NCT in Heidelberg and the Institute Gustave Roussy in Paris.
Nicola used her very last energy to prepare the details of her exhibition, and confided to Stephan Neuhalfen in an interview, just 2 weeks before her departure.
The goal was—and is—to honor Nicola's last wishes: Let's make sure no other women leave this world prematurely because of HPV cancer; and to celebrate life.
The proceeds of all activities go to the Nicola Werner Association; they will be used to finance the annually provided research awards at Institute Gustave Roussy and Deutsche Krebsforschungszentrum.