Once upon a time
Acryl on canvas 80x100cm; early 2012
Nicola commented:
" For over three months this painting with a woman and the children stood in my studio and eventually after much back and forth I realized: this will be a group. The children are on their own island, they are being read to and fully absorbed and part of the story still holding their toys in their hands. I remember such moments from my own childhood and also with my own children. I am convinced that these moments still exist, despite all of the technical gadgets that are around today. This is what this painting wanted to convey and I wanted to show it even though I didn’t know it before. Perhaps it was a collaboration between the canvas and the artist."
Copy of an original painting from Nicola Werner
Limited to 100 numbered copies
- Digital photo with resolution of 36mpx (Nikon D800)
- Edited by www.janvier.fr in Adobe Photoshop to match orinal color
- Printed on Epson SC-P20000 ink jet
- Canvas of similar structurew and quality as original: Hahnemühle Canvas Daguerre
- Size: as original
- Shipped in protected rolls
Process of creating the artwork
The copy comes with a set of additional photos documenting the process of creating this piece of art